Wednesday, April 06, 2011

May I please have a clone?

Goodness....I need another me.

Or a full time housekeeper, gardener, nanny, personal assistant, and a chef. And that's just to keep up!!! Back, a bazillion years ago before I had children, I thought mothering was a breeze! A sweet bedtime story, and then off to a glass of wine and a television program I go. Pie. Before I had kids I was a spectacular parent.

Then I actually had them. Kids, that is. I do cut myself a little slack. I did have 4 children in 5 years. So it does make the work load a bit harder. But, the cooking and cleaning, the laundry, the home maintenance, the mommy maintenance still needs attention.

And I'm not really complaining, just clarifying. I have a special needs child. My second child has therapy and classes outside the home almost everyday of the week. It's not like I'm complaining, but sitting at home everyday eating bon-bons and watching Days of Our Lives. (I wish, really, I do!)

So I have one of those fancy mommy calendars. Each person gets a line, and I map out appointments, preschool, therapy, dates (gasp!) doctor/dentist visits....and all the sitters that I need to make all that stuff happen. Then I have a spiffy little notebook where I write down bills, budgets, shopping lists, and reminders. And post-it notes.....we can't forget those ;)

And I still feel like I can't get my feet under me some days. I'm still always rushing, running late, or just plain old frazzled.

And I NEVER want to be frazzled. It's bad for my mommy image.

Maybe I just had an "off" day. Seriously, my daughter made it to preschool on time. And while she finger painted and learned all important preschool things, I got errands done, squeezed in a quick trip to the park, and put gas in my guzzling SUV. And I even got back early enough to check my email in the car, sing a rousing rendition of the "wheels on the bus" to the boys, and nurse the baby super fast! I think I may have just done some bragging?

I think I need a vacation. Or a clone.

No one can do my job. And I don't mean that in a bad way. But I really would like a day off. But since I can't call in sick or take vacation, (Totally not a mom perk!) I guess I need to make a spa appointment and hire a sitter.

Best advice ever, take care of yourself so you can take care of the kiddos and DH. If you feel and look like crap, it will directly affect your attitude and actions, which in turn, directly effect your family (even the stupid cats!).

WARNING: Gold STAR advice was just mentioned!

Take care of yourself. For me this means:
I try really hard to eat every meal with the children. (Partially because then I am guaranteed meals, but if I make something for myself the little monsters eat it!) I also try to get in a walk or some stretching each day. (sigh I really miss the gym though!) I buy myself some yummy lotion, which I rub onto my chapped, frequently washed hands. I wash my face EVERY night before bed. (Nothing like going to bed and waking up with a clean slate.)

So busy is pretty much my only level right now. In fact, I'm sure it has been my ONLY level. I think "it" completes me. I go a little crazy (crazier?) when I have nothing to do. But making a few moments for myself keeps me functioning at mommy-capacity. It keeps my sanity for 3 doctors appointments, 5 therapy appointments, 2 days of preschool each for kid of the kiddos, and an outing this weekend. (And that's only this week!)

Ahh, I feel so much better. Nothing like a little venting to help you re-evaluate your priorities and your goals. :)

Now off to fold some laundry, do diapers, get out gear for tomorrow, clean the kitchen, and get ready for bed. (See I do need to be busy!)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the real world. Oh, did I say that? But that is really what happens when you have 4 kiddos and one with special needs. It does get better. Really.
    When they are your dd's age, they take their own bag with them, so you don't have to. They can dress themselves and hopefully potty themselves. So it does get easier especially if you assign them some of your jobs.
    I know you will look back on these days as precious moments. Right now you wish it otherwise or easier. Just remember that God only gives you what you can handle and the rest he gives to your dh. (otherwise known as your designated hitter!) :)
