Thursday, June 16, 2011

I believe in fairies

Yep, here at our house, fairies are real.

They have to be, they back up all that parenting I do.

So the first fairy to "come into existence" at our house was the binki fairy.

Conjure up a little girl, at the ripe old age of 3 who still has a binki. (gross, I know) But I had a baby, I was pregnant, and I was not about to take away the one thing that helped calm her. And my DD had an ear piercing scream that could make your ears bleed. A binki was almost a necessity.

Let's focus on the good here, not the fact that I had a huge belly, a screaming baby on my hip, and my 3 year old was running around with a binki in her mouth. (And I bet I was probably standing in the kitchen barefoot too!)

In all honesty, she only had the binki in her bed. We had long since weaned her down to bedtime only. (Which was a process in itself.) But, the day had come when the binki fairy would pay us a visit.

Here is my *gold star* advice!

We sent a note to our daughter from the binki fairy. The fairy stated that our DD needed to leave all her binkis for the fairy so she could make them into her castle, and the fairy would leave a WONDERFUL FAIRY GIFT.

DD bought it. Out when the binkis in a bag on the porch. (Mama had prepared for this with a rather expensive trip to Target.) And when she wasn't looking, the binki bag was replaced with a huge fanciful bag full of fairy goodies. There was a crown, a tutu, stickers, a movie, some costume jewelry, a wand, and lord knows what else. I told you I went crazy, how can you not, it's Target?

Anyway, the bag was a huge hit. The fairy has decorated it with glitter and sparkles. It was special and girly. She got a certificate saying our DD was an honorary fairy. And the binkis were long forgotten......

until bedtime.

After brushing her teeth, our smart DD gathered up all the fairy stuff, put it back in the bag and gave it to me saying, "K mommy, I don't want to be a fairy anymore, I want my binkis back."

After 35 minutes of intense crying, she did go to sleep. We sat in the living room and turned the TV up a little louder than normal. It almost killed me. I almost gave in. But my DH made me stay in the living room.

After 2 bedtimes and 1 nap time, she was over it. She quit crying and asking for them. She was officially a big girl.


And after all that trouble I still let my baby have one. And when the 3rd came, he got one too. With #4, I still gave him one.

I didn't really learn a lesson, but at least I have a tried and true method to get rid of them.

Hopefully my boys will believe in fairies too.


  1. Very cute! Sarah had hers until she was 3 too...unti the last one got stepped on and broke. She wanted to go get a new one...I said we had to send it to the binki dr. We wrapped it in a box and put it in the mail. She calmly asked for it for a few nights and then all was good. #2 & #3 did not have binkis. #4 loves his :)

  2. I remember this experience well. And Grandpa hide an extra binki in his tool box, just in case. He came across it not to long ago.
