Monday, September 26, 2011

Holy's happened!!!!

My non-verbal, high sensory ASD DS is now verbal!!!! At 3.5, it's been a long time coming. And his vocabulary is only about 30ish words. But HE IS TALKING!!!!!

There is nothing more sweet than those few words coming clearly and distinctly out of his mouth. I love hearing his voice. I love hearing him communicate. I love that we have made it this far!

One of our long term "IEP" goals for him is to go to regular/typical kindergarten. I love the special needs program in our school district. I love the Autism program in our district too. But he would thrive and do very well in a standard classroom, leaving those few precious spots for a child who needs it more. But the teachers and specialists say he has to talk to be in a typical classroom.

It's going to happen! His teacher talked to me today about our goals. We have this year and next year of preschool to get through first, but it's going to happen.

When I look back at the last year with him, I am reminded of so many challenges. I remember all those days when he would cry and cry and cry with frustration and I would cry because I couldn't help him.

I remember just praying for him to talk. Even 2 words! I remember dragging him to speech therapy week after week after week, and not getting a single sound.

The pediatric development specialist said speech may come, but there was no guarantee. He was sure that my special little boy just wasn't ready to talk yet.

So, he has made some major accomplishments. He managed to bridge some gap in his brain. He has figured out what communication is for and how it works. And we  are so happy! He is so happy!

He said during nap (I could hear him through the baby monitor), "MOMMMMMMY!!!!! Brody up!!! Brody up!! Brody eat! Brody eat, Mommy!"

Not huge big sentences. But words. Words that have a purpose and make sense. Words that have meaning.

And he called me "mommy".

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