Monday, August 01, 2011

Boys will be Boys

I have 3 amazing, sweet, loving, adorable little boys. I have 1 amazing, sweet, loving, adorable little girl. There is definitely an unfair advantage in our home.

But I wouldn't have it any other way. I love my special "girl time" with my daughter. We love shopping together, getting pedicures, and just having time without her brothers.

And I love my little boys. They are still young, so we don't go out and have adventures much. But building train tracks and playing blocks are sweet wonderful moments. I wouldn't trade a single one of them in for another girl.

In fact, I wouldn't want my family any other way. (Well, except maybe we need a day.) But we are a perfect little (okay not so little) family of 6. And yes, the girls are outnumbered by the boys, but hey that's the way it works!

The point? I was having a nice little chat with a mommy at therapy the other day. We were waiting with our kiddos for our therapists. We discussed the usual. Why we were there, who our therapist was, and bits of our family life.

She was the mother of 3 little girls. I say, "I have 3 little boys! How funny!" Her response, "Oh, that's too bad you didn't get a girl."

Hmm. Where was this going? "I have a daughter too, she is my oldest. Then it's, boy, boy, and boy!"

"Well, at least you got one girl." Then she stands up and heads into therapy.


I had no idea that girls were better than boys. I didn't realize that by having a girl I had an advantage. I was slightly dumbfounded that my boys didn't rank the same as my daughter.

And do you know what? (And I'm sure you don't really care) but, this is not the first time I have been in this conversation.

Since my daughter is in preschool, it's usually just me and the boys doing errands. The lady at the post office seemed to feel genuinely sorry for me that I had 3 boys and no girls. (Sometimes I omit the fact that I do have a daughter....just to see how the conversation goes.)

It blows my mind that people actually feel sorry for me. Really sorry. Like girls are all sorts of wonderful and better than boys.


Let's evaluate.

Girls: toys, diapers, clothing..... Boys: toys, diapers, clothing.....
Don't really see much difference there. Yeah, the colors are different, but what is it exactly that makes girls better?

Sweet and cute little dresses? Nope, total pain in the ass with tights and playground manners, and they are totally impractical 9 months of the year.

Hairbows and ponytails? Nope, they lose them ALL THE TIME!

Pretty pink diapers? Nope, my boys have super adorable diapers too. (And remember we do cloth)

Barbies? Okay, you have me there. I would never tell my boys they can't play with Barbies, but I'm pretty sure I would never purchase one for them. And I love Barbie.

Now if we were to have another baby (and please, God, do NOT give us another baby) I would hope it would be a girl. But, not for myself. But my daughter. I would love for her to have sister bond. I think that would be a special gift. But since she doesn't (and won't) ever have a sister, I don't think she will grow up to be any less of a person. I don't have a sister bond and I think I'm doing okay.

She has 3 cute, crazy, crabby, and creative brothers. She has plenty of sibling love. She is an awesome sister to them. She loves them. She plays with them. She lets them play with her toys (and yes even my beloved Barbie).

So why is it that when I was pregnant with baby #4 (who is a boy!) people would ask, "Is it a girl?" and my response was always, "Nope! Another sweet baby boy!" And they would actually say, "Awe too bad for you." And I actually had a family member say this to me.

So apparently there was some memo I missed about girls being better than boys. Sorry to disappoint, but I'm pretty happy with my 3 boys. If you have an issue with the gender of my children, you should take it up with my DH, he is the reason I have 3 darling boys.


  1. I told your DD she only has 3 brothers. Her great aunt Kathy had 4 brothers, so she won. :)
    And one of her brothers is her grandpa.

    Since I only had boys I can understand. Boys are just as much work and worry as girls. I can say this since I have 3 grandsons and one granddaughter and since I spend lots of time with them, I think personalities are more important then gender. Like, one Grandson, with his challenges is actually easier to take care of then his younger brother who is moving at a mile a min.and has a temper.

  2. That's funny. I get the opposite. Oh...3 poor thing. Aren't you glad you finally got your boy? (Wasn't planning on boy..figured it would be a girl and I'd have a house full of girls...yes, even as teenagers..I assume to know what I'm getting into). Or, thank goodness you have at least one boy (who I love to death and am so grateful for- but I would be just as thrilled if he was a girl)....Good post though-I don't get peoples need to comment on gender and one being better than the other...It's really awesome (insert sarcastic voice here) when they say it in front of the kids.....
