Friday, October 07, 2011

I don't look good in Tie-Dye

I am not sure what it is, but I must give off the "please pick on me" vibe. I think I need to get a tee-shirt made up that says, "SHUT UP IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY TO ME." Well, that's a little long, but I am sick and tired of people criticizing me in public.

I know, I know.  I just need to brush it off. That I shouldn't listen or even care what anyone says to me.

So I'm a little unconventional. I practice a few things that are not "normal" or part of the child rearing standard. But it doesn't make me a bad parent. It doesn't make me any less of a parent then someone else. (In fact, I think it makes me better, but that's just my personal opinion.)
So, I'm at Starbucks. My favorite place. It's always smells good. There's always tolerable music in the background. And there is always coffee. And when you are chasing after 4 little ones, coffee is pretty high up on the "I NEED THAT TO SURVIVE" list.

I'm in line with my little man in my trusty Ergo. (Its a comfortable baby carrier) He is happy, he is smiling, and flirty with everybody who looks at him. I'm ordering my favorite drink (it's a grande peppermint mocha no-whip, for those of you who ever feel compelled to bring me a coffee!) and then patiently waiting for it.

This lady, although she hardly deserves that title, asks me (with that look) "Is that even safe for a baby?"

Me, "The pack? Of course, they are rated to carry up to 40 ish pounds. He only weighs 16 ish."

Rude lady, "No that necklace thing." pointing with disdain at the Baltic Amber necklace around his neck.

Me (taken by surprise), "Oh, that? Yes, they are safe. You just have to mindful they don't chew on it."

Really rude lady, "Hmph."

The lady on the other side of me chimes in, "It's really pretty. What is it?"

Me, "It's a Baltic Amber necklace. They release succinic acid, which has "Tylenol" like properties. So he is wearing it for teething pain."

Nicer, less rude lady, "Oh, well does it work?"
Me, "Sure, I mean, it seems like it helps, if nothing else. When you have a teething baby, you'll try ANYTHING to get them to feel better."

Really, really rude lady, "Sounds like a bunch of voodoo to me."
And then she gets her coffee and stomps out.

And I stand there with my mouth open.


So amber is a bit unconventional. And I am by no means "hippie" enough NOT to give my child medicine if they are miserable. But Tyelnol can be hard on an infants kidneys and liver when given frequently. And I thought I would give this a shot. (My 2 year old also wears one for his knee pain.)

Now, I'm not saying that all the things we practice as parents, will work for any or every family. We make choices based on what our needs are. I'm pretty sure I make mistakes. I'm pretty sure that I make good choices too.

But I hardly feel that even my more obvious decisions are open for attack.

So the lady at Starbucks probably was having a bad day. I bet she was PMSing or had just been attacked by a group of crazy, marauding trolls. That's the only thing that could explain such rudeness.

The only reason why I happen to be blogging about this is because these types of encounters happen to me at least weekly. People have even gone out of their way to say something to unkind to me and my children.

And I don't understand. I don't get it. And I STILL don't have a good comeback for the rude Starbucks lady, it just left me completely speechless.

So, as a bit of advice, "If you don't have anything nice to say to a lady with 4 kids (who are all BEHAVING) in line at the grocery store, STAY THE HECK AWAY FROM HER BECAUSE ONE DAY SHE WILL GO OFF!!!"


  1. We've had this conversation many times, so you know how I feel about it...however, with the shirt...The Bloggess is already ahead of you

  2. Maybe crabby lady is just a jerk!
    I still think just telling them they are rude or nosy would make you feel better. They will still have their opinions. And you can always tell them their grandmother thinks her grandchildren and you and Randy are great so there! Nan na na.
