Well, there is nothing like seeing your child progressing to make you feel like you're on the right track.
It seems like all 4 of my kiddos are making huge strides lately.
And it makes me feel good, like I'm doing something right.
Let's start small. My 4 month old DS can now grab a toy (or binki or blanket or my shirt) and get it in his mouth. And he laughs about it! Nothing brings a mommy more joy than a baby who can entertain himself and really love it. And he doesn't have one of those cute baby laughs. He sounds like a broken velociraptor from Jurassic Park. It's a little hard to ignore him having a good time.
My 2 year old DS is putting away the dishes in the dishwasher. All the ones he can reach. He is so helpful. He really is. This child knows where everything goes! He will even move things around that someone else put away wrong. Amazing, since in 6 years I will have to threaten his to do anything I want him to.
My 5 year old DD has finally mastered her numbers. She has been struggling the last 6 months to recognize numbers after 10. I mean really struggling. Flashcards, worksheets, manipulative's, everything. And nothing helped. She was so aware that she didn't have them down. And it bothered her. Then, one day, it just clicked. She is so proud of herself, and I am so proud of her.
And I'm sooooo proud of them all.
But, there's always a but. I have a brings-tears-to-your-eyes proud moment of my son that I just have to share.
My 3 year old DS is a nonverbal, high-sensory, autistic child. There have been a few moments where it was discussed that he would never talk. That he would never grasp the concept of language. But he showed us he "got it" this week.
His place mat at the table has the alphabet on it. He pointed right at E and said "E." Clear as day. He looked at me, pointed at it, and said it again, "E." I showed him O, and he said that one too. He can also say the letter I. Not only is he saying it, he is recognizing letters.
And it wasn't a fluke. He did it again later for daddy. He is learning his letters! He is getting the speech concept and formulating it in his brain. He is making a connection too.
....sorry, wiped a tear just reliving the moment.
When your child makes huge strides, it's hard to not get emotional.
I am soooo proud of all my kids. I am proud they grow and learn each day. And I treasure all these moments because I know that they build upon more. And each accomplishment they make today, will help them be a better, smarter, more complete person tomorrow.
And I cherish each moment because I love them. It's what a mommy is supposed to do.
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