Thursday, February 24, 2011

The inspiration is lacking....

After today, I'm not sure I have any thing left to write a witty or smart post. Today tested my mothering abilities to the MAX!!!! I hate it when most of the day goes right down the tubes.

So with 4 children, 5 and under, my two middle boys (almost 2 & 3) had yucky tummies, and we cloth diaper. I will NOT elaborate on that any further, I will have nightmares about this day just from that stand point. The baby (a whole 6 weeks old ) was pretty fussy and wanted to nurse every hour. My 5 year old was feeling left out and her asthma was flaring up in a major way. Plus it snowed (it's the end of freakin' February!!!!!!) and I needed to run to Target.

I probably don't need to add much after that description. I can imagine most parents already throwing in the towel. I just about did.

After a quick trip to the doctor with the 2 "yucky-tummy" boys, a Target run, a few nebulizer treatments, some major baby wearing in my trusty Moby, and an amazing MIL......I did manage to pull through, and all the children remain unscathed.

But some major parenting came into play. My children all have completely different needs. Today was a MAJOR play on that. They are all so different anyway, but adding a bad day to that......good heavens. I quickly came to realize that it wasn't about getting or giving them all the same treatment, but making sure they all got what they needed.

Let me go ahead and repeat wasn't about making sure they had the same (insert an option: privileges, discipline, attention....) but making sure they got what they needed. I think that may be one of the most inspirational things I could ever write about.
As a parent my job is not making sure they all get the same thing, but they all get what they need.

(huge wave of relief washes over me)

Now, trying to get my children to understand that......totally different story. And when I figure that out, I will get back to you.

I can't imagine trying to make sure they all got the same thing today. Their needs are all so different. Sure my 5 y.o. moaned and groaned when she had to wait because her sick brothers needed something, or I was yet again nursing the baby. But she didn't have the same needs as her brothers. (hard lesson, I know)

But, at the end of the day, when they are all asleep and I can process and reflect on the day...I think I may have earned a gold star. Not because I made it through, not because the house is still intact, but because I made a HUGE parenting breakthrough. And, trust me, I don't have them very often.


  1. As the "Amazing" MIL, you did great. You did not give up, nor throw a temper tantrum, or resort to wining, (except a glass of wine). You are an amazing and loving
    mother to your amazing little kiddlets, who are all so very different from one another.

  2. Hope you have been warm enough during this patch of weather! Even with the temp up in the house I feel cold! You have the mothering idea down pat - each child gets what he/she needs. Not necessary the same either. Your children grow up so fast (as you will find) and they are more important than a perfect house. Even tho you will probably feel guilty! Priorities!!! I still don't know how to send a comment letting you know that it is your Grandma Violet! Will have you show me next sunday!
