Monday, February 21, 2011

Starting a journey.....or maybe just a short walk

Well, I got the thing (by that I mean blog) lets see if I can get it running. Maybe running is too strong a word, does brisk walk work?

I started this mostly for my own personal need to talk. Not about myself, but about my children, my family life, my addiction to childrens' gear, the projects and crafts I like (and don't have time for), probably my husband, and occasionally my cats. I hope to provide tips, advice, cute little ancedotes, some heart warming stories, and a few rants and raves.

Let's start at the beginning. I have 4 children, my oldest is 5. Yeah, do the math, 4 babies in 5 years!!! Can I just say that our life is busy. Really, really busy. My DH and I try hard to be excellent parents, but we will settle for pretty good.

More than likely I will "blog" during naptime, it's the only time I can complete a coherant thought in less than 3 minutes. But, if nothing else, I can share with other parents some of the unique things that make our busy family work in this busy day and age :)

Come join me on my journey!


  1. You go girl. My favorite heroine.

  2. Sounds fun! Can't wait to follow and get some tips on having a bunch of kiddos!! 2 doesn't count, but I think 3 will count as a "bunch" too ;-)

  3. So, do I access this thru facebook?

  4. My mind boggles at the thought of 4 little kids to fill every minute of every day, not mention the husband and father of said children (I'm assuming he is a wonderful partner in your adventure). Maybe I wouldn't have 30 years, it would still boggle my mind. Being an empty nester with a newly retired husband is work too, but work we have earned. I wish for you the patience and hard won wisdom to survive and enjoy your life's journey. Good luck (that's important too) and remember to take time for yourself (also important). As for me, I will enjoy my grandchildren and wish for you the same 30 or so years from now...
