Wednesday, March 02, 2011

They say I'm normal

I saw my doctor today for my post-baby check. (And, I went without ANY of my 4 children!!!!) My poor doctor almost had a heart attack. He hasn't seen me without a child since, well, I was pregnant with my first baby.

Essentially, he tells me that I'm back to "normal." What the hell is that supposed to mean?!?!?! I mean, come on! I have 4 children, my oldest is barely 5! How can that be even remotely considered normal?

I don't think we even know a family that has 4 children. Let alone 4 children 5 and under. Normal isn't a standard that applies to our family. Crazy, maybe. Wild, yes. Busy, totally. But normal? Not even close.

Did we, as a couple, want a large family? Technically, yes. Did we want so many children so close together? Not really. But we play with the cards we're dealt. And honestly, crazy busy and wild aside, I enjoy so much of it, I wouldn't have it any other way.

I do miss having time to read a book. I miss having time (or money) to spend the day at the spa. I miss having a date with my DH whenever I want. But the love I have for my's all worth it. I'll take crazy over normal any day of the week.


I can't describe the "worth it." There isn't a direct trade-off system. It's not like saying I would rather have a baby than a pedicure. It's not like saying children are worth giving up almost every spare second of your day. Having to cut out time for yourself is not something I thought I would ever do. My children do suck up most of my time, but I would much rather give my time sculpting future members of society than spend time on myself.

Knowing that I am "producing" future voters, tax payers, and citizens, helps me "do" my job as a parent. The time I could be spending in the spa is now spent helping my children develop morals and values.

I try to take my job as a parent seriously. Knowing that my children will have to grow up and be responsible members of society is one of the hardest parts of being a parent. I'm not setting my goals at high school graduation either. I want my children to be responsible, productive members of society. I want them to have compassion and good values. I want them to take responsibility for their actions. I want them to find happiness.

Note: I want them to find happiness within themselves.

I'm pretty sure these aren't "normal" parenting goals. My goal as a parent isn't to make my children happy, but to help them find happiness within themselves. Maybe this means my children will all need extensive therapy as adults. Maybe it means they will be leaches on the system. But (hopefully) it means that I am helping produce a generation that is aware of the world around them.

I am not looking for "normal." I want more than that for my children. "Normal" is adequate. I have higher standards.

Normal? Not for us. I'll take anything else. I want better than that for my children.


  1. Your goals are admirable. I don't know of a single normal family either.
    Having high expectations of having great kids turn into great adults is more productive then wanting them to be beautiful, or popular, or wealthy.

  2. Your Grandma Violet says there is no such thing as a "normal" family. Each one is unique and special. You make us all proud Marie with the dedication you have towards doing the individual best for each of your children. The best thing you can do for your children, outside of teaching them about Jesus (which I know you do), is teaching them how to have inner happiness, and to have a feeling of self-worth!
